Acupuncture Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice with extensive research and thousands of years of history. It uses sterile, single-use, disposable needles in a wide range of sizes which the Doctor will operate according to the medical diagnosis. The needles are inserted at various points along the body meridians. The needle (s) will stimulate the opening and proper circulation of the blood vessels to nearby affected organs. This procedure allows for a decrease in pain and body inflammation.
Sometimes, an electrical stimulator or the Doctor may use the hand to rotate the needle. It depends on the disease and the patient's condition. When the needle is placed into the skin, the patient will sometimes feel heaviness or numbness in the area, but there will be no pain. The treatment takes approximately 15-25 minutes, depending on the patient's condition. Acupuncture relaxes the muscles contracted due to an injury or a disease. This contraction affects the proper blow flow of blood and, therefore, the circulation in the affected area. By inserting the needles in the affected area, blood circulation is restored, which supports the healing process. Acupuncture treats pain and allows the body to heal and return to its proper average balance.
Cupping It uses the heat to expel the air inside the glass cup until a vacuum arises and quickly places it on the skin along the body's meridians. Cupping allows the muscles to relax. It also stimulates the flow of blood that is blocked. The blood that accumulates in the skin can help relieve pain and fatigue, and improve health, such as helping to treat gastrointestinal diseases and respiratory diseases such as chronic cough or asthma. The heat from the cupping procedure stimulates the proper movement of the Chi energy in the body. The cupping procedure takes about 5-10 minutes. The Doctor's assessment of the patient's condition will determine the time of the procedure.
Fang Xue Blood Letting Cupping
This procedure combines the use of a needle to prick the blood. After sterilizing the desired area, cupping is done. A San Ling or a Mei blossom needle is used to pierce the blood. Next, the cups are placed in the area to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. This procedure mainly treats sprains and chronic pain from blood stasis
Moxibustion This procedure treats diseases by burning kotha Chula Chin, smearing the skin to stimulate the nerves. It treats a group of symptoms caused by humidity and cold by using a needle as a medium to bring heat into the meridians. When the meridians are warm, the moisture and coldness dissipate. There are several benefits to using this procedure, as it warms the meridians and helps eliminate colds and humidity such as menstrual pain and Irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bone proliferation caused by calcium deposits, and gastrointestinal ailments such as diarrhea. Most importantly, the treatment supports the energy flow of Yang , seasonal flu, allergies, cough, asthma, sleeping disorders like insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Massage The TCM doctor will decide what massage they will provide based on the diagnosis that help to stimulates the muscles and ligaments within the body by focusing on specific points or compressing certain body parts for prevention, treatment, and health maintenance. It is an external treatment method, unlike medication and acupuncture. The following technical principles are an essential component of the massage.
Gua Sha is the TCM therapy that involves scraping on skin with special tool to promote blood circulation , tension muscle and detox toxin . These can help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. The doctor will gently “scraping” on skin and follow the meridian line . The treatment will be follow the TCM diagnosis.